Let’s get started!

August 07, 2017

Let’s get started!


Have you ever said these words this after 6 schooners?

“Mate… We should start our own brewery!”

Yup, I know. It’s uncanny how much we have in common.

I’m gonna give this thing a shot.

Let me put everything on the table from the get go – I don’t know shit about running a brewery.

Everything I’ve learned has been either from the internet or talking other brewers.

My brewing experience extends as far as my old man and doing full grain home brews over the past few years. But if I’m honest, he’s the brains behind the process. He loves nerding it up with discussions on the “gravity” of a brew and the “IBU’s” of the newly birthed ale.

I, on the other hand,

just enjoy spending a bit of time doing man stuff and sampling the finished product.

I don’t even have a beard for Christ’s sake!

So why bother?

I want to do this because it’ll be awesome.

Hands up who doesn’t want to own a brewery?


Need I say more?

Ok… seriously.

Beer gets a pretty rough trot in the media. All this alcohol fuelled violence and degenerates defecating McDonald’s bathrooms at 2 am. But that’s the media; it’s not reality. Good beer brings people together.

It’s a social lubricant that allows us to quickly break down barriers and appreciate others.

After a few pints we relax, laugh louder, dance better and hug each other tighter. In a world with ever growing

separation and loneliness, we need to bring people back together. And that’s what I’m about.

Let’s create the world’s most delicious beer that encourages us to connect.

A place where people can be themselves and enjoy the majesty of the Australian bush.

A beer that tastes better shared, and is the conduit of creating lifelong memories with those that you care about.

Beer is an important part of the Australian story, and I want to get involved.

“Great idea mate. But ideas are like arseholes….”

Yeah, yeah, fair enough. Maybe you’re right, but… whatever. Let’s have a crack anyway.

So, let me get you up to speed.


So, let me get you up to speed.

My wife and I recently bought a block of land about an hour north of Sydney in the little-known suburb of Bucketty, on the southern rim of the Hunter Valley.

You could drive through it and not know. There’s precisely zero shops, pubs or clubs. However, there’s heaps of amazing, untouched bush and a remarkable local community.

It’s a cheapish 30acre block with about six cleared acres and an unapproved, “cosy” 2brm shack on stilts. Not exactly our dream house.

We’re just about to settle on the property and I hope to be pouring the first beer within the next two years.


During that time I’ll walk you through the entire journey. Growing hops (we’re using the land to grow our own hops!)

  • Creating a delicious beer
  • Developing the brewery building
  • Sourcing equipment
  • Getting approval
  • Packaging
  • Staffing and running the joint
  • It’s gonna be sick.

I also run a few other unrelated online businesses (that’s what’s funding this adventure) as well as supporting a pregnant wife who’s only months away from popping out our first kid.

Bob Dylan said it best “Times…. They are a changing”.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to sharing the adventure, and hopefully a pint, with you over the next couple of years.



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